Rocycle x Pride and Sports

Rocycle x Pride and Sports

Bron: Pride and Sports

Datum: 27 juli 2021

Rocycle x Pride and Sports

We’re thrilled to announce that during Pride week Rocycle chose to donate to us! Read down here for a little interview with Rocycle.

“During our Pride rides we want to celebrate all gender identities and sexualities out there. For us it is important to shine a light on queer people in sports.
Rocycle and Pride and Sports share the same mission: create more visibility, acceptance and safety for LGBTQIA+ people in sports.

That’s why we chose to support Pride and Sports. For every Pride ride booked, we’ll donate €5 to work towards this goal together.
At Rocycle we always want to ensure that our studios are a place where anyone could feel safe, respected and free to express themselves most authentically. Let’s ride together. Let’s ride with pride! – Rocycle”

Book your special Pride ride here.

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