Full Body Strength

We Are Queer (West) Dr Jan van Breemenstraat 1, Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands

Full Body Strength Our Strength Class offers a fun and comprehensive full-body workout through functional movements. The class includes a warming up and several sets of exercises for the major muscle groups, including your arms, stomach, and legs. Our coach demonstrate the exercises and helps you to execute them correctly and safely. We work out […]


Nothing But Butts

We Are Queer (Oost) Wagenaarstraat 336, Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands

Nothing But Butts Nothing But Butts is a fun and efficient class all about strengthening your lower body and core. Whether you want to gain strength or muscle mass: NBB is effective. After a warm-up we focus on exercises training glutes, legs, and core muscles. We use accessoires like weights and elastics for resistance. The […]

Skate Workshop – ‘Improving Ramp Control’

Skatepark Zuidoost, Amsterdam Paasheuvelweg 44, Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands

Improve your ramp control by taking this 1,5 hour workshop full of exercises that will help you get better at transition skating. From kickturns to axel stalls, and from miniramp to vert, it’s all there! On July 30th or October 1st from 19:00 till 20:30 at Skatepark Zuidoost, Paasheuvelweg 44. Please note that all sales […]


Boxing – technique training

We Are Queer (West) Dr Jan van Breemenstraat 1, Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands

Boxing - technique training During this class you learn the basics of boxing or develop your skills further under the guidance of our enthusiastic coaches. The lesson starts with a warm-up, after which we practice various combinations in pairs. This way you learn uppercuts, jabs, crosses, expand your combinations and improve your execution. The coach […]


Senior Pride Concert

Senior Pride Concert 18.00-23.00 uur | Nieuwmarkt | Senior Pride Concert Dit intieme en kleurrijke concert is er om onze roze pioniers te bedanken en te eren voor hetgeen zij voor de community hebben betekend. Daarnaast is het een warme ontmoeting voor de buurt, de bewoners en omliggende horeca. Met een keur aan entertainmen & […]


Workshop Skate – First Time Skateboarding

Skatepark Zuidoost, Amsterdam Paasheuvelweg 44, Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands

Learn how to start your skateboarding journey in this 1,5 hour workshop by experienced teachers who can help you work through the first steps. Boards and protection gear are available in the park so you don’t need to buy those. On June 4th and September 3rd. Ook in het Nederlands op 2 Augustus. Location: Skatepark […]


Pride Stand Up Paddle (suppen)

Park Somerlust Korte Ouderkerkerdijk 16, Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands

Are you joining our Pride Stand Up Paddle (Supper) tour? SUP stands for “Stand Up Paddle boarding”. Paddle with us through the Amsterdam canals and see the city in a different sporty way! Accessible to everyone (Chairs for the boards are available!). Note: If there is too much wind or in case of thunder the […]


Gay Forcing Amsterdam (Bridge) – Pride 2024 Edition

Buurthuis Lydia Roelof Hartplein 2, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Op zondag 4 augustus is er, net zoals vorig jaar, een feestelijke drive ter ere van Queer & Pride Amsterdam 2024. De Nederlandse Bridge Bond vaart mee op de NOC*NSF-boot tijdens de Canal Parade. We nodigen deze zondag iedereen van harte uit om mee te bridgen in buurthuis Lydia op het Roelof Hartplein 2 in […]


Skate Workshop ‘How to Fall without Injury’

Skatepark Zuidoost, Amsterdam Paasheuvelweg 44, Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands

In this reoccuring workshop, you’ll learn how to safely fall without injury. We’ll discuss different techniques and try some exercises moving to the ground painlessly. If you’re afraid of falling, or often hurt yourself, this workshop is deffinately something for you! At June 11th and October 8th from 19:00 till 20:30 in skatepark Zuidoost, Paasheuvelweg […]


Queer Kick-off USWA 2024

Veldje 14 Middenmeerpad 7, Amsterdam, NH, Netherlands

Kick-off Queer USWA 2024 | Veldje14 Further information: TBA | Komt binnenkort Urban sporten zijn niet alleen opvallende en uitdagende sporten met een hechte community. De urban lifestyles zijn ontstaan doordat iedereen daar juist helemaal zichzelf wilde zijn. De urban sport communities staan voor inclusie! Er is niks beter dan om met mensen die je […]
