Pride and Sports x Rapha Amsterdam

Pride and Sports has partnered with Rapha Amsterdam to bring together LGBT+ cyclists and allies to celebrate pride in cycling.
Rapha Amsterdam is hosting a Historical Pride Ride on 2nd August, and a Panel Discussion and Social Event on 4th August.
The event will be from 7pm and take place at Rapha Clubhouse Amsterdam, Wolvenstraat 10.
The theme of the evening is: Pride in Cycling: Being Yourself in Sport. It will focus on sharing experiences, discussing how clubs can be more inclusive, and talking about how inclusivity benefits the sport.
Both events are open to all people, and we will encourage those working in the industry to attend.
We are excited to share with you two events during Pride week with Pride and Sports x Rapha Amsterdam.
Tuesday 2nd Aug: Pride Ride with Queer Wheels Cycling Club 
Time: Meet 7pm, rollout 7:30pm
Location: Rapha Amsterdam Wolvenstraat 10
Queer Wheels x Rapha 101+ Pride Ride
Join Queer Wheels as they lead a special edition ride from Rapha Amsterdam to explore LGBT+ monuments in the city.
The ride will be a very easy pace, all bikes and people are welcome.
Thursday 4th August: Pride Panel & Social Event
Time: From 7pm
LocationRapha Amsterdam Wolvenstraat 10
Pride in Cycling: Being yourself in Sport 
Join at the Rapha Amsterdam Clubhouse where we will hear from LGBT+ cyclist in the community. We will discuss experiences and share ways in which the industry can do more for inclusion.
After the panel discussion, we will have a social event and celebrate pride in cycling.
We hope to see you there!

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