Pinkster tournament – Tennis


A LGBTQIA+ tennis tournament in Amsterdam that promotes inclusivity, diversity, and equality through our love for tennis and the power to bring people from our community together.
This annual tennis tournament is not just a sporting event; it’s a celebration of love, resilience, and the power of community. The Pinkster Tournament commits to breaking down societal barriers, creating a safe space where the LGBTQIA+ community and its allies can come together, not just to play tennis, but to connect, inspire and uplift one another.

Club type
LHBTIQ+ centred 

Queer, Trans, Non-binair, Intersekse personen  
Vrouwen die op vrouwen vallen 
Mannen die op mannen vallen 

Vrouwen, Mannen, Gemengd 

Sportcentrum Amstelpark, Koenenkade 8
1081 KH Amsterdam



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